Determine the parent control of a panel

I have a class called factory that inherits a class called Block. Block in turn inherits the object panel. Within each factories, i have 3 panels for production buttons. When the production buttons are clicked, production timers are triggered.

My issue is when i click, for example, on the 1 minute production in my concrete factory, my steel production starts. This is the same for all buttons in all factories; they all trigger steel productions.

What i need to know is when i click my 1 min button in the concrete factory, how do i determine it has come from the button in the concrete factory, and not the steel one?

Here is my handler events for the buttons in factory class:

min = New Block(Me, 0, 0, 20, 20, Color.Maroon, My.Resources._1min)
hour = New Block(Me, 40, 0, 20, 20, Color.Maroon, My.Resources._1hour)
fifteenHour = New Block(Me, 80, 0, 20, 20, Color.Maroon, My.Resources._15hour)
AddHandler min.Click, AddressOf startProduction1min
AddHandler hour.Click, AddressOf startProduction1hour
AddHandler fifteenHour.Click, AddressOf startProduction15hour

Here is my startProduction1min()

Sub startProduction1min(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
If stlFac.Bounds.Contains(sender.Bounds) Then
prodCost = (1 / 30)
If Not prodCost > goldVol Then
goldVol -= prodCost
End If
startProduction(steelProduction, 60)
ElseIf conFac.Bounds.Contains(sender.Bounds) Then
prodCost = (1 / 60)
If Not prodCost > goldVol Then
goldVol -= prodCost
End If
startProduction(concreteProduction, 60)
ElseIf gldFac.Bounds.Contains(sender.Bounds) Then
prodCost = (0.005)
If Not prodCost > goldVol Then
goldVol -= prodCost
End If
startProduction(goldProduction, 60)
End If
End Sub

The issue seems to be with:

If stlFac.Bounds.Contains(sender.Bounds) Then

Any suggestions?
